Have you been wondering what tools for the blind and visually impaired are featured on our logo? In the top left is a Brailler which was featured last month on a Fact Friday. Today, we are introducing refreshable Braille display at the bottom right of our logo. A refreshable Braille display may be connected to the computer so that on screen text can be converted to Braille. The display contains Braille cells with electronic pins to change the characters within them. According to the American Foundation for the Blind, “The price of braille displays range from $3,500 to $15,000, depending on the number of characters displayed.” A display may have as many as 80 characters, and other common models have 40 or 70 characters. Some newer versions have notetaking and storage features. For more information, and to learn more about different models, please visit https://www.afb.org/node/16207/refreshable-braille-displays. Stay tuned the rest of the month to learn more about our logo and foundation!